发布时间:2018-12-10 19:55:21 来源:合肥奥鹏  发布人:admin 点击次数:1541 次
1.Tom, a friend of Jane, was introduced by Jane to her new friend Jack in her college. Please make a dialogue in which Jane introduces Tom to Jack, and Tom and Jack get to know each other and to talk about their hometown, their educational background, and their majors.
2.Angie is shopping in a department store with her roommate Christine. Make a dialogue in which they are asking each other what clothes they want to buy, and in which they are asking price, size, color of a dress to the shop assistant, and in which they are making bargaining.
Please finish the dialogue below. Each topic marks 20 points and the total score is 100.
Write no less than 200 words to finish each dialogue below.
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